14 November 2008 |
MCS Facilities
It is located in the 4th level of the College. It's a perfect place to hang out, invite a faculty member for some informal conversation or just relax and study in a comfortable cafe area while enjoying a dessert or other delectable snack. The Cyber-Café has a few computer stations available for surfing the web or checking your e-mail.
The students counseling centre provides specialized professional services designed to support the educational process and to assist students in their career, personal & social development.
Hostel is located within walking distance about 3 minutes from College MCS.
The college library aims to support the college’s educational programmes and to provide information resources, facilities & services to meet the reading, references & research needs of the staff and students of the college.
As part of the college’s commitment to deliver the highest level of the students computing needs, College MCS offers an extensive range of top-end IT facilities.
Students exposed to the hands-on practical experiences through the well equipped engineering workshops that include the electrical lab.
Terdapat 3 komen. Sudilah tinggalkan komen anda.
Enchek Mayel
the facilities is true.. I have found it in there..
the issues is " luar setinggan dalam kondo"
luar cap ayam dalam ikan sardin...
aku rase kan pusat tuisyen lagi selesa kot dari kolej haprak ni...ooppsss bahasa aku tekasar lak..papepown kte tggu kemunculan kolej baru yg angan2 mat jenin 2...harharhar
lau korng tgk pic kat ats 2 puhhhhhhhhhhh mgn cun gila tp blh dikatakan zero (0)tak da apa2
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